To Laze Around
hello hello. fellow... minions. New photos of the day here again, wonder how long i can keep this daily passion up. okie. chop chop presenting a species in holding area.

ps. sorry, photo's taken by a phone. so quality not there.
Also known as Himalayan blue sheep
Kingdom: Animalia
Class: Mammalia
Subfamily: Caprinae
Gestation Period: 160 days.
Young per Birth: 1
Weaning: After 6 months.
Sexual Maturity: At 1.5 years, although males do not reach their full potential before age 7.
Life span: 12-15 years.
Mating occurs between October and January
Bharal are active throughout the day
Bharal is a Hindi name
Bluish sheen in the coat
In males, horn grow upwards, then turn sideways and curve backwards, looking somewhat like an upside-down moustache (refer to photo)
Both fellows already here when i joined. Male is a very bold fellow. He'll challenged anyone unless he's been obviously beaten by that person before. Always picks on people to bully. See how he's showing his MAN POWEH in the photo. arseholl =__=
Anyway. Female was a nice sheepy =) good girl. Am very amazed about how horns on male are designed. And even more amazed on how male will use the tip of horn to scratch his back. *itchy itchy*
An interesting event of the day. Well, what the heck. its purely because more attention is paid. Following photos sequence shows how male goaties challenge one another when they grow older. Luckily the following two fellows are still juveniles and hence am, most probably, doing this to kill some time.

Both goaties positioned themselves, horn to horn, as if they're aiming.

Both then raised up front hoofs together...

and CHARRRRGED!!!!!!!
(If only i had the video. The charge was really powehful. hmm hmm.)
Im not the first person who observed this and am actually called to attention to this little fighting event by my colleague. sankyuu. cute little charging goatie. Be careful, idiot. A charge from an adult goat can easily break a rib or two ^^
Now is a little time to laze around.
First participant :

Robo is sleeping so so so so soundly that he didnt even stir when i took out the container from his cage. thus snapped this soundly asleep hammie (although i did end up waking him because i jerked so much). ROBO! strokie strokie ^^
Participant two :

Took an unusual route today, somehow. And thus bumped into this lazy kitteh. Lazing around on a hot afternoon. Oei, lemme sleep too. yawn~

ps. sorry, photo's taken by a phone. so quality not there.
Also known as Himalayan blue sheep
Kingdom: Animalia
Class: Mammalia
Subfamily: Caprinae
Gestation Period: 160 days.
Young per Birth: 1
Weaning: After 6 months.
Sexual Maturity: At 1.5 years, although males do not reach their full potential before age 7.
Life span: 12-15 years.
Mating occurs between October and January
Bharal are active throughout the day
Bharal is a Hindi name
Bluish sheen in the coat
In males, horn grow upwards, then turn sideways and curve backwards, looking somewhat like an upside-down moustache (refer to photo)
Both fellows already here when i joined. Male is a very bold fellow. He'll challenged anyone unless he's been obviously beaten by that person before. Always picks on people to bully. See how he's showing his MAN POWEH in the photo. arseholl =__=
Anyway. Female was a nice sheepy =) good girl. Am very amazed about how horns on male are designed. And even more amazed on how male will use the tip of horn to scratch his back. *itchy itchy*
An interesting event of the day. Well, what the heck. its purely because more attention is paid. Following photos sequence shows how male goaties challenge one another when they grow older. Luckily the following two fellows are still juveniles and hence am, most probably, doing this to kill some time.

Both goaties positioned themselves, horn to horn, as if they're aiming.

Both then raised up front hoofs together...

and CHARRRRGED!!!!!!!
(If only i had the video. The charge was really powehful. hmm hmm.)
Im not the first person who observed this and am actually called to attention to this little fighting event by my colleague. sankyuu. cute little charging goatie. Be careful, idiot. A charge from an adult goat can easily break a rib or two ^^
Now is a little time to laze around.
First participant :

Robo is sleeping so so so so soundly that he didnt even stir when i took out the container from his cage. thus snapped this soundly asleep hammie (although i did end up waking him because i jerked so much). ROBO! strokie strokie ^^
Participant two :

Took an unusual route today, somehow. And thus bumped into this lazy kitteh. Lazing around on a hot afternoon. Oei, lemme sleep too. yawn~
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