Awake at 7am in the morning and greeted with this :

How can any morning start more
alluring than this.
Then i start cycling down and up and down and up to work.
I take a bus and another 20mins walk into Singapore Night Safari 2 times 5 days a week. Now, i occasionally cycle. As i pass by all the pedestrains, i thought : my god. Walking must be the slowest form of locomotion among living animals.
Of course.
= Trotting like a horse is already faster.
= Galloping is
= Flying like how all the milky storks do is definitely zoom zoom~
= Brachiation, like gibbons, you can feel the wind, and scenery too, is
very enthralling.
= Digging, well, like earthworms is another form of moving quick.
= The squirrel climb, also, takes you to another place within minutes
(of cause not the climbing slow lorises or sloths do)
= Even pacing like the young giraffes move them swifly
= And though it does not take you up, gliding from tree to tree like a flying lemur must have save him quite alot of time and energy
= Obviously, Tobogganing on snow like the sea Otters is certainly one kind of pleasure...
*cycle cycle*
Undoubtly, after all the digging, galloping, flying and tobagganing, one then, slowly proceeds to taking abit of yawning, perhaps ten seconds of stretching, some turning in circles and looking for the most appropriate position. And lastly, curling up and waiting for the ball of yarn, carrots, big plains of grassland, juicy walnuts or a huge salmon to come floating in your mind.