the Correct way

The Correct Way to cycle and keep those up slopes not so threatening is not really to
1. count the number of trees, one by one as i bike pass them
2. count down the number of trees i bike by
3. count the number of drainage covers that zoom pass
4. similarly, count down the number of drainage covers
5. listen to the music with my earphones and try to keep my legs' movement in coordination with the beat (that can seriously lead to over-exhaustion)
6. look at other bikers in front of me and attempts to catch up which is usually an impossible mission (but it keeps me goin for awhile until the pro bikers went out of sight)
7. try lookin out for birds, dogs, kittehs or any other living furries which may appear beside the road or be simply dashing across
8. admire the weather (which can be mighty dangerous).
While the solutions above might help but i realise perhaps the correct way really is to simply lift up your heads, select some particular landmarks (which can be a patch of shadow, a puddle of water, a stop sign, regrettably a dead bird flatten by the roadside or a busstop). something which is not far away and tell myself see, you are getting there.
its simple and straight forward.
like how a peacock preen his feathers. Sometimes the best way to do it is not to use literally your eyes but to close it so you can focus and let your beak guide the way.
what the hell. am i self-contradicting?
prrreeease ride safeowk...
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