Don't eat that, filthy bastard
first uP!

Not introducing any new species in my section but rather an old but unfamiliar friend in my recent life. Shown in the picture... is just a normal stray doggie. I call him pittypat. Should have shown you guys videos of how he walks. Will occasionally find him hopping home to s..som..ewhere along mandai road. He'll run so pitty-patty pitty-patty like he's so happy >< saw him when i was cycling out so i scream "DOGGGGGGIIIIIEEEE" and then he stops! so i go snap snap snap. And TA-DA! nice doggie. next time must bring some food for him. strokie =D
Woah~ Lotsa words. Now on to my motivations in life. No them, No me.
A Familiar Face =D
It was so. so. s..o... cute when i found robo hooking himself onto the running wheel. He looked like he is d.e.a.d o_o I waited. manage to get a nice angle and wake him, while slowly waiting for him to fall back to sleep, hooking. Here he is, in action -Mr Captain Hook-

Step one. i woke him on purpose.

Step two. time goes tick tick. Lollipop goes "weee"

Step.. st.. e... th..thre..e.. Zzz.zzz.z.zzz
Now now, while watching i got hungry. And i just finish my rice. And there was no other food. And im very very very hungry. *Ding ding* I'll eat what i have. Behold.
Live Feeding

i try scooping my food up, but he kept falling back to the bowl. You know, like how you try to pick up a fishball with chopsticks. Except this food will rolls on his own. So i gave up. And release him. And then, i named my food : Ah Grey =D
I'm.. not pis.s..ed or.. *Cought*