sorry i miss you so
blah... title has got absolutely nothing to do with the following pictures. no worries. ah. what the heck. haha. so, its been long again. so many many photos ^^
- Up first with little brownies -

Known actually as the Gorals
Kingdom: Animalia
Class: Mammalia
Genus: Naemorhedus
Life Span : 14 or 15 years
Gestation period : 170-218 days
Weaned at 7 or 8 months of age
Sexual maturity around age 3
Gives birth, usually to a single offspring
Small ungulates with a goat-like or antelope-like appearance.
often found on rocky hillsides at high elevations
weigh 25-40 kg and are 80-130 cm in length
with short, backward-facing horns
Female gorals have four functional teats (while female goats and sheep have only two functional teats)
vocalize with hissing or sneezing sounds (when threatened)
The gorals have been, oooh, here at Holding for a long long time. About 10years? that was when i was... 11yrs old?! my gawd... but they've been surviving well and healthy. We had a collection of 11 females and 4 males now. the boys have been really naughty and always fighting with one another. But they are well. all well.
finally there's a plan for them now. after a long slow wait of 10yrs plus. Heard there'll be a new Goral exhibit opening in the new Night safari. Then the guys would be able to proudly flash their browny coarse fur and small little sharp (ooh, really sharp) curvy horns. strokies ^^
Next up, flashing a really huge bunch of
Sugar Gliders

Wait, have i ever introduce them before..? crap, i forgot. Shit... i really forgot... (refering to my previous posts zzZzz Zzzz). Ah i didnt. Crap. now i have to introduce. but NEVERMIND ^^ here it goes :
Sugar Gliders
Kingdom: Animalia
Class: Mammalia
Genus: Petaurus
around 16 to 21 cm
Tail almost as long as the body
Weighs between 90 and 150 grams
Sexually mature aroung 8-12 months of age, and males at 12-15 months
Breeding starts in mid-winter (June or July)
In the pouch for about 70 days, and after leaving it stays inside the nest for another 40 or 50 days
Flights have been measured at over 50 meters
Living in groups of 15 to 30
Most distinctive features of its anatomy are the twin skin membranes called patagia which extend from the fifth finger of the forelimb back to the first toe of the hind foot
Let's parteeeh! many gliders now. used to have only 1.5. the guy had a huge s*x bash and wah laaaa... now we have 3.9 glidies ^^ placed their food in the nestbox and within seconds all were munching uncontrollably on the food. they feeds on fruits and insects. cutie little fellows. always would play with their tails ^^ strokies.
Again, yet another random KITTEH!

was looking for plastic flowers and needle when i bumped into this fellow near a pet shop. no collar on him/her so most probably is wild. very afraid of me when i approached. but still would go for food when i backed away =) must be really hungry. hope this fellow is properly taken care of. will be back for more food for you. Strokie strokie ^^
Now what. Wait. Why was i looking for plastic flowers? huh? HUH?! oh well.
Now i remembered. its for this fellows :
Cave Nectar Bats

Well, this is a long long darmned =__= long story. To summarize : A bunch of them (about a 100?) were found residing in an abandon mansion. So the ppl who owns the place. And apparently, the IDIOTs do not want them in the house (which in nobody has been living in for years). Darmned the arseholls. To hell. but well so we went to the mansion and caught as many as we can. so we got 8 bats. 4.4. and here they are, in Holding. But we're only experimenting. as in. not even sure of we can keep them alive properly as Nectar Bats feed mainly on nectar only. so. hmmm... hope it would be successful. Oh ya. a picture of a section of the abandoned mansion too.

(BAA~~ oh my gawd... im late for work. still have plenty to post though. will be back and posting them tonight or tml morning =__=. Until then, make do with these, people. Enjoy ^^)
- will be back for more-
- okie. back from work -
now... hmm. lemme think lemme think. Ah. More furries. Yesh. More furries ^^
showing some other stuffs outside Night Safari. Welcome...
White Carbeebaaraaa

*squeal squeal* hee =D scouted this fellow in an arcade. but he's much too difficult to get >< not worth spending the money i finally realise. and he's quite tiny too. so... taking a photo is fine ^^ Storkie (i hope TT__TT). but its okie =D im fine im fine.
i really wanted to showed only the furries here. but. beautiful things are meant to be shared. They are... at least beautiful to me =)

on a fine day after work, i was alone cycling home. had stuffs to clear in my little confused brain. so i took a little turn along my way home and ended up at Upper Seletar Reservoir =) nice place. with water, trees, birds and well, people who're not that annoying. i chose a place, sat down and started drawin. in a blink of an eye, 2hours i think, passed by me ^^ got bitten by many mosquitoes and chased by many outer poweh. so. i went home, feeling better and... cyclishly happy ^^
another day, somehow my body ended up at Sunshine plaza. ate something nice. with nice company. and nice weather (well, it actually is raining quite heavily). but mah. nice feeling. and i bumped into this cute little fellow.
Dan Board desu

liked him alot. alot. alot. maybe i should buy him down. but its six 10 bucks TT__TT next month's pay. sniff TT__TT
Alright alright. that's finally all ^^ enjoy guys and good night.
- Up first with little brownies -

Known actually as the Gorals
Kingdom: Animalia
Class: Mammalia
Genus: Naemorhedus
Life Span : 14 or 15 years
Gestation period : 170-218 days
Weaned at 7 or 8 months of age
Sexual maturity around age 3
Gives birth, usually to a single offspring
Small ungulates with a goat-like or antelope-like appearance.
often found on rocky hillsides at high elevations
weigh 25-40 kg and are 80-130 cm in length
with short, backward-facing horns
Female gorals have four functional teats (while female goats and sheep have only two functional teats)
vocalize with hissing or sneezing sounds (when threatened)
The gorals have been, oooh, here at Holding for a long long time. About 10years? that was when i was... 11yrs old?! my gawd... but they've been surviving well and healthy. We had a collection of 11 females and 4 males now. the boys have been really naughty and always fighting with one another. But they are well. all well.
finally there's a plan for them now. after a long slow wait of 10yrs plus. Heard there'll be a new Goral exhibit opening in the new Night safari. Then the guys would be able to proudly flash their browny coarse fur and small little sharp (ooh, really sharp) curvy horns. strokies ^^
Next up, flashing a really huge bunch of
Sugar Gliders

Wait, have i ever introduce them before..? crap, i forgot. Shit... i really forgot... (refering to my previous posts zzZzz Zzzz). Ah i didnt. Crap. now i have to introduce. but NEVERMIND ^^ here it goes :
Sugar Gliders
Kingdom: Animalia
Class: Mammalia
Genus: Petaurus
around 16 to 21 cm
Tail almost as long as the body
Weighs between 90 and 150 grams
Sexually mature aroung 8-12 months of age, and males at 12-15 months
Breeding starts in mid-winter (June or July)
In the pouch for about 70 days, and after leaving it stays inside the nest for another 40 or 50 days
Flights have been measured at over 50 meters
Living in groups of 15 to 30
Most distinctive features of its anatomy are the twin skin membranes called patagia which extend from the fifth finger of the forelimb back to the first toe of the hind foot
Let's parteeeh! many gliders now. used to have only 1.5. the guy had a huge s*x bash and wah laaaa... now we have 3.9 glidies ^^ placed their food in the nestbox and within seconds all were munching uncontrollably on the food. they feeds on fruits and insects. cutie little fellows. always would play with their tails ^^ strokies.
Again, yet another random KITTEH!

was looking for plastic flowers and needle when i bumped into this fellow near a pet shop. no collar on him/her so most probably is wild. very afraid of me when i approached. but still would go for food when i backed away =) must be really hungry. hope this fellow is properly taken care of. will be back for more food for you. Strokie strokie ^^
Now what. Wait. Why was i looking for plastic flowers? huh? HUH?! oh well.
Now i remembered. its for this fellows :
Cave Nectar Bats

Well, this is a long long darmned =__= long story. To summarize : A bunch of them (about a 100?) were found residing in an abandon mansion. So the ppl who owns the place. And apparently, the IDIOTs do not want them in the house (which in nobody has been living in for years). Darmned the arseholls. To hell. but well so we went to the mansion and caught as many as we can. so we got 8 bats. 4.4. and here they are, in Holding. But we're only experimenting. as in. not even sure of we can keep them alive properly as Nectar Bats feed mainly on nectar only. so. hmmm... hope it would be successful. Oh ya. a picture of a section of the abandoned mansion too.

(BAA~~ oh my gawd... im late for work. still have plenty to post though. will be back and posting them tonight or tml morning =__=. Until then, make do with these, people. Enjoy ^^)
- will be back for more-
- okie. back from work -
now... hmm. lemme think lemme think. Ah. More furries. Yesh. More furries ^^
showing some other stuffs outside Night Safari. Welcome...
White Carbeebaaraaa

*squeal squeal* hee =D scouted this fellow in an arcade. but he's much too difficult to get >< not worth spending the money i finally realise. and he's quite tiny too. so... taking a photo is fine ^^ Storkie (i hope TT__TT). but its okie =D im fine im fine.
i really wanted to showed only the furries here. but. beautiful things are meant to be shared. They are... at least beautiful to me =)

on a fine day after work, i was alone cycling home. had stuffs to clear in my little confused brain. so i took a little turn along my way home and ended up at Upper Seletar Reservoir =) nice place. with water, trees, birds and well, people who're not that annoying. i chose a place, sat down and started drawin. in a blink of an eye, 2hours i think, passed by me ^^ got bitten by many mosquitoes and chased by many outer poweh. so. i went home, feeling better and... cyclishly happy ^^
another day, somehow my body ended up at Sunshine plaza. ate something nice. with nice company. and nice weather (well, it actually is raining quite heavily). but mah. nice feeling. and i bumped into this cute little fellow.
Dan Board desu

liked him alot. alot. alot. maybe i should buy him down. but its six 10 bucks TT__TT next month's pay. sniff TT__TT
Alright alright. that's finally all ^^ enjoy guys and good night.