haha, again
hello guys. managed to pulled my heavy body to front of my pc >.< and got all of these down. chop chop start with...
Our Director

wahaha. this guy, up there in the tree, is my personal director. well, i should say my section's personal freelanced director. Pay him with utter respect and many dozens of fishies XD strokie storkie ^^
next up is, i think i've shown them, now... have i...? Ah~~ what the heck ^^

Or whom i have secretly called Claire ^^ He is... supposed to be a kitten. but oh well =) he's five months old now. Almost as big as his
Mummy Ernie

and this is Mummeh ^^ look at that deadly stare. flamingo KILLEHHH~~ strokie ^^
Mysterious Greeter

Haha. while i was cleaning one random enclosure, i chanced upon this little fellow. He's climbing on the bin. i mean, how can anyone survive long a bin. He's still a young fellow. so i put him on the leafies and let him live =D helllo, morning!
Darmned! why must i always include them? why why why?
Polpetta the Loris

what can i say. i couldnt resist that tongue ^^ This is Polpetta. he... lost his wife a few months ago. But this heartless little fuwa fuwa is coping well with it. still eating well and... hmmm... becoming slightly eccentric... hmmm.. haha. whateva the case, i love fuwa fuwa ^^ Strokie.
-The End- Yawwwnn. Night =__+
Our Director

wahaha. this guy, up there in the tree, is my personal director. well, i should say my section's personal freelanced director. Pay him with utter respect and many dozens of fishies XD strokie storkie ^^
next up is, i think i've shown them, now... have i...? Ah~~ what the heck ^^

Or whom i have secretly called Claire ^^ He is... supposed to be a kitten. but oh well =) he's five months old now. Almost as big as his
Mummy Ernie

and this is Mummeh ^^ look at that deadly stare. flamingo KILLEHHH~~ strokie ^^
Mysterious Greeter

Haha. while i was cleaning one random enclosure, i chanced upon this little fellow. He's climbing on the bin. i mean, how can anyone survive long a bin. He's still a young fellow. so i put him on the leafies and let him live =D helllo, morning!
Darmned! why must i always include them? why why why?
Polpetta the Loris

what can i say. i couldnt resist that tongue ^^ This is Polpetta. he... lost his wife a few months ago. But this heartless little fuwa fuwa is coping well with it. still eating well and... hmmm... becoming slightly eccentric... hmmm.. haha. whateva the case, i love fuwa fuwa ^^ Strokie.
-The End- Yawwwnn. Night =__+
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