you are what you eat
Hellos hello. domo domo domo. Finally back with ton-ful of photos again ^^ But i have no time now. Thus will update slowly later. Maybe tml. Or tml. Or tml's tml. but as the saying goes : What is good is worth waiting for ^^ so, Keep on waiting =D
- back -
Thanks for waiting =) Okay, less with rubbish and on with the photos. standing on the forth line is :
Mr Chickadeedee

Mr Chickadeedee >< comes together with Mr Chickadee (Who's currently resting with a little tree) as a pair. Very nice observers and reports everything faithfully ^^ soft and slighty fruffy. and white. And likes nature and water and leaves. Like to place one piece of huge leaf on head and pretends to be a ninja. Nin nin! strokie ^^
Next up introducing a new species ( But they dont come from my section though)
Bat-Eared Fox

Bat-Eared Fox
Otocyon megalotis
Kingdom: Animalia
Order: Carnivora
Genus: Otocyon
Sexual maturity: 1-2 years
Gestation: 9-10 weeks
No. of young: 2-6
Habit: Lives in burrows
Diet: Mainly termites, beetles, small mammals, reptiles, birds’ eggs, fruit, and vegetable tubers
Lifespan: Longest in captivity, 13 years 9 months
300 mm high at the shoulders and have a length of 800 mm
Mass is about 3-5 kg.
Males guard the den where young are hidden, while the female forages.
Widespread in southern and east Africa.
Only member of the dog family that feeds almost entirely on insects.
Eats scorpions, swallowing the stinger and the poison sac without ill effects.
Was posted to Tiger section for a day to help out the guys. But i don't think i help in any way too +__+ But! a nice experience for me, have always liked this little big eared guys ^^ always always. Manged to take a photo of them by myself. Thanks to little tree for photos too ^^ Strokie.
Giraffe "Dobeni" and Babeh
A birth of Giraffe FINALLY >< in Night Safari after a long long wait of many many years. Last birth sucessfully (if i'm not wrong) was in 1997. Woah. almost 10years of waiting and finally ^^ Here comes a healthy baby girl. She's officially named Kayin =)


Giraffa camelopardalis
Kingdom: Animalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Genus: Giraffa
Range: Africa
sexual maturity : 3 to 4 years
Lifespan : 15-20 years
Gestation period : abt 15 months.
Habitat: Dry, tree-scattered terrain south of the Saraha
Their color grows darker brown as they age, and each giraffe has unique markings
Have seven vertebrae in their neck, just like most other mammals
Males fight for females during mating season by butting heads
A single calf is born, rarely twins, usually 6 ft tall and can stand up 20 minutes after birth.
When startled, a giraffe can gallop at speeds up to 30 mph
Giraffes can go for over a month without drinking and do so often, perhaps because of the vulnerable position they must assume in order to drink.
Hello little froggy =D

Am not sure what specie this little jumper is. Suddenly appeared from a bundle of nangka leaves and branches and *snap snap* here he is ^^
More animals! More fuwa fuwa ^^
Belle the Pony

Gotta post this beautiful girl here. For she is simply so adorable even little tree cant resist her so. Strokie ^^

A little time to spare for this really. tiny. creature. Found him/her on my finger while i was cleaning. Had absolutely no idea how he got onto my finger but. He is too, tinyly cute >< told me a long time to focus the camera on him. Got a mosquitoe bite during photo taking =__= but well, it was worth it. Cheers for tiny creatures ^^
hee. Cute little small monkehs. Naughty at times. But still so very adorableee..

Bumped into these guys in the lab. Very quiet in the pet carriers. Were getting an ID for themselves. Welcome guys =D to Singapore Zoo... ... Oh no =__=
Mine Possession

Hmmm... need i say more. i cant express my love for them enough here. Had a lot of fun draggin them out for photoshot ^^ but it seems like hell of a torture to them. Oh no. Better put them back. Or else.
Mafia Mummeh will Shoot

"What the hella you lookin' at, Kid?"
I will not steal the credit nor claim this fruffy, adorable kittehs mine. They lived. somewhere far far from me. But still the same amt of awesomeness ^^
All Kittehs here stay near a little tree =)
Little tree's Possession
Kitty :

Kitteh (babeh of mummy Kitty) :

Kittoh (okie, i named this myself =__=) :

Softie (okie, i named this myself also) :

Goldie Nice (okie okie okie. I should stop naming them >< ) :

Thank you kitties ^^ and the little tree. for all the shelters and a support to lean on >.o
Well then, till the next time. Sweet dreams for all in the night =)
- back -
Thanks for waiting =) Okay, less with rubbish and on with the photos. standing on the forth line is :
Mr Chickadeedee

Mr Chickadeedee >< comes together with Mr Chickadee (Who's currently resting with a little tree) as a pair. Very nice observers and reports everything faithfully ^^ soft and slighty fruffy. and white. And likes nature and water and leaves. Like to place one piece of huge leaf on head and pretends to be a ninja. Nin nin! strokie ^^
Next up introducing a new species ( But they dont come from my section though)
Bat-Eared Fox

Bat-Eared Fox
Otocyon megalotis
Kingdom: Animalia
Order: Carnivora
Genus: Otocyon
Sexual maturity: 1-2 years
Gestation: 9-10 weeks
No. of young: 2-6
Habit: Lives in burrows
Diet: Mainly termites, beetles, small mammals, reptiles, birds’ eggs, fruit, and vegetable tubers
Lifespan: Longest in captivity, 13 years 9 months
300 mm high at the shoulders and have a length of 800 mm
Mass is about 3-5 kg.
Males guard the den where young are hidden, while the female forages.
Widespread in southern and east Africa.
Only member of the dog family that feeds almost entirely on insects.
Eats scorpions, swallowing the stinger and the poison sac without ill effects.
Was posted to Tiger section for a day to help out the guys. But i don't think i help in any way too +__+ But! a nice experience for me, have always liked this little big eared guys ^^ always always. Manged to take a photo of them by myself. Thanks to little tree for photos too ^^ Strokie.
Giraffe "Dobeni" and Babeh
A birth of Giraffe FINALLY >< in Night Safari after a long long wait of many many years. Last birth sucessfully (if i'm not wrong) was in 1997. Woah. almost 10years of waiting and finally ^^ Here comes a healthy baby girl. She's officially named Kayin =)


Giraffa camelopardalis
Kingdom: Animalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Genus: Giraffa
Range: Africa
sexual maturity : 3 to 4 years
Lifespan : 15-20 years
Gestation period : abt 15 months.
Habitat: Dry, tree-scattered terrain south of the Saraha
Their color grows darker brown as they age, and each giraffe has unique markings
Have seven vertebrae in their neck, just like most other mammals
Males fight for females during mating season by butting heads
A single calf is born, rarely twins, usually 6 ft tall and can stand up 20 minutes after birth.
When startled, a giraffe can gallop at speeds up to 30 mph
Giraffes can go for over a month without drinking and do so often, perhaps because of the vulnerable position they must assume in order to drink.
Hello little froggy =D

Am not sure what specie this little jumper is. Suddenly appeared from a bundle of nangka leaves and branches and *snap snap* here he is ^^
More animals! More fuwa fuwa ^^
Belle the Pony

Gotta post this beautiful girl here. For she is simply so adorable even little tree cant resist her so. Strokie ^^

A little time to spare for this really. tiny. creature. Found him/her on my finger while i was cleaning. Had absolutely no idea how he got onto my finger but. He is too, tinyly cute >< told me a long time to focus the camera on him. Got a mosquitoe bite during photo taking =__= but well, it was worth it. Cheers for tiny creatures ^^
hee. Cute little small monkehs. Naughty at times. But still so very adorableee..

Bumped into these guys in the lab. Very quiet in the pet carriers. Were getting an ID for themselves. Welcome guys =D to Singapore Zoo... ... Oh no =__=
Mine Possession

Hmmm... need i say more. i cant express my love for them enough here. Had a lot of fun draggin them out for photoshot ^^ but it seems like hell of a torture to them. Oh no. Better put them back. Or else.
Mafia Mummeh will Shoot

"What the hella you lookin' at, Kid?"
I will not steal the credit nor claim this fruffy, adorable kittehs mine. They lived. somewhere far far from me. But still the same amt of awesomeness ^^
All Kittehs here stay near a little tree =)
Little tree's Possession
Kitty :

Kitteh (babeh of mummy Kitty) :

Kittoh (okie, i named this myself =__=) :

Softie (okie, i named this myself also) :

Goldie Nice (okie okie okie. I should stop naming them >< ) :

Thank you kitties ^^ and the little tree. for all the shelters and a support to lean on >.o
Well then, till the next time. Sweet dreams for all in the night =)
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