a speck of
a speck of dirt, many will say
why not a speck of orange juice
a blemish of light
many blots of furries
few crumbs of handshake
one dot of pain
two grains of pleasure
three speckles of embarrassment
a messy splotch of glory
plentiful spots of cervid
and a small fragile trace of bliss
Have. Been finally posted out of my section and transferred to a new section. In fact, this new section is a nice place. With nice people and friendly animals. But. its chaotic outside. Couldnt help those in need. Chaotic. Extreme. Immense.
Baa. Will do what i can.
Back to animals i'd dearly, truely missed. (Well, not in any order)
dearly missed

Truely cunning and naughty compared to all the foxies in the forest. Bharals.

Oh. the furry bushies. A real darling if you can get close to them. Thick thick tail. Binturong.

Eyes shut 24hrs and opened in fear only when you go near. wahaha. cute puffy owls. White-faced scops.

A speck of furry, i promised. Didnt actually have a nice photo of this guy. But yea. he existed in my heart, right down to the bottom. Deep. Bushbaby.

I think they have appeared in my posts so many for more to be mention. Capybara.

First soft paw pads to appear. Miueowks, they say. Fishing Cat.

Have regarded them as an absolutely amazing creature. Who has wings for hands. And sleeps upside down. Flying Fox (a kind of bat).

One more bird of prey coming right up. Initially lived with another friend with one eye. Now she only has the wind and dead fishes for accompany. Buffy fish owl.

With body fully colored in a riched golden color. My charming boy. Return him to me. But of cause Hanoi. Nice kitty. Golden Cat.

Second species of hoofstock in the collection. I think i spent 40% of my time solely with them. Nice big yard. Full of mosquitoes. But i like it. Goral.

Ah ha. Funny little fellows. Respected as god in other places but really really clumsy creatures here. Always in hyper tension. Hyper tension. Golden jackal.

He is everyone's best friend. Ask everybody. Yellow-throated Marten.

Yea. They fly. Flew. And absolutely adore the rain. No more hybrids please. Milky stork.

Professor. Clever. Whitty. And adorable, damned the bubbles trapped in between the furs. Swim True and far. Oriental small-clawed Otter.

Bieee. They dont't respond. They don't sleep. And they hardly eat. But i like em. Yay. i like em alright. Mugger crocodile.

They talk to me. Well, one talks to me. Literally. We. communicate. You can choose to not believe it. But. Well we do. Thank you, pal. Seriously. Serval. And especially Lesotii.

Similar. We should really learn from this bunches of shellies. Go soft. Go slow. Go peace. Star Tortoise.

Beware. The supermen. Flying around in the air. Hope you guys find fun with one another. Common palm Civet.

My hamster. Gnaw and chew. I, so want to bring him home. Squeakily nutty. Cloud rat.

Enough i guess about their tongue. Or poses. Or how they never fails to make those arcs on my face. So many of yous. So many thank yous. Common (top), Bengal, Javan and Pygmy (bottom) Slow loris.

Scurry free in all directions. Nibble nibble. Sugary sweet. Sugar glider.

The newest member i dare say. But an old friend in my heart. I have been accompanied. Under the moonlights and the stars. Up down motion of the buggy. And cool droplets of the rain. Bat-eared fox.

Puss in boots. The smallest cat in the collection. Even smaller than a house domesticated feline. But. He's cunning. Yay. And. He jumps high. and far. and free. Go for the mice, fellow. Leopard cat.

The closest pal of mine i can say. Yea. Closest to me. My hands. Me. Thank you furries. With long bushy tail. Lesser Flying Squirrel.

Did i say anything about black and white. A new member too. Pretty frighty but coping well nonetheless. Hope you're in good care from now on. All the best. With new sun and sky. Malayan Tapir.
Well. i guess that's all i've got to say. Animals i can talk to. Release myself. Yea. Thank you guys. Thank you all. Once again. Once again. Once upon a time.
And everything starts all over again. Side by side.
why not a speck of orange juice
a blemish of light
many blots of furries
few crumbs of handshake
one dot of pain
two grains of pleasure
three speckles of embarrassment
a messy splotch of glory
plentiful spots of cervid
and a small fragile trace of bliss
Have. Been finally posted out of my section and transferred to a new section. In fact, this new section is a nice place. With nice people and friendly animals. But. its chaotic outside. Couldnt help those in need. Chaotic. Extreme. Immense.
Baa. Will do what i can.
Back to animals i'd dearly, truely missed. (Well, not in any order)
dearly missed

Truely cunning and naughty compared to all the foxies in the forest. Bharals.

Oh. the furry bushies. A real darling if you can get close to them. Thick thick tail. Binturong.

Eyes shut 24hrs and opened in fear only when you go near. wahaha. cute puffy owls. White-faced scops.

A speck of furry, i promised. Didnt actually have a nice photo of this guy. But yea. he existed in my heart, right down to the bottom. Deep. Bushbaby.

I think they have appeared in my posts so many for more to be mention. Capybara.

First soft paw pads to appear. Miueowks, they say. Fishing Cat.

Have regarded them as an absolutely amazing creature. Who has wings for hands. And sleeps upside down. Flying Fox (a kind of bat).

One more bird of prey coming right up. Initially lived with another friend with one eye. Now she only has the wind and dead fishes for accompany. Buffy fish owl.

With body fully colored in a riched golden color. My charming boy. Return him to me. But of cause Hanoi. Nice kitty. Golden Cat.

Second species of hoofstock in the collection. I think i spent 40% of my time solely with them. Nice big yard. Full of mosquitoes. But i like it. Goral.

Ah ha. Funny little fellows. Respected as god in other places but really really clumsy creatures here. Always in hyper tension. Hyper tension. Golden jackal.

He is everyone's best friend. Ask everybody. Yellow-throated Marten.

Yea. They fly. Flew. And absolutely adore the rain. No more hybrids please. Milky stork.

Professor. Clever. Whitty. And adorable, damned the bubbles trapped in between the furs. Swim True and far. Oriental small-clawed Otter.

Bieee. They dont't respond. They don't sleep. And they hardly eat. But i like em. Yay. i like em alright. Mugger crocodile.

They talk to me. Well, one talks to me. Literally. We. communicate. You can choose to not believe it. But. Well we do. Thank you, pal. Seriously. Serval. And especially Lesotii.

Similar. We should really learn from this bunches of shellies. Go soft. Go slow. Go peace. Star Tortoise.

Beware. The supermen. Flying around in the air. Hope you guys find fun with one another. Common palm Civet.

My hamster. Gnaw and chew. I, so want to bring him home. Squeakily nutty. Cloud rat.

Enough i guess about their tongue. Or poses. Or how they never fails to make those arcs on my face. So many of yous. So many thank yous. Common (top), Bengal, Javan and Pygmy (bottom) Slow loris.

Scurry free in all directions. Nibble nibble. Sugary sweet. Sugar glider.

The newest member i dare say. But an old friend in my heart. I have been accompanied. Under the moonlights and the stars. Up down motion of the buggy. And cool droplets of the rain. Bat-eared fox.

Puss in boots. The smallest cat in the collection. Even smaller than a house domesticated feline. But. He's cunning. Yay. And. He jumps high. and far. and free. Go for the mice, fellow. Leopard cat.

The closest pal of mine i can say. Yea. Closest to me. My hands. Me. Thank you furries. With long bushy tail. Lesser Flying Squirrel.

Did i say anything about black and white. A new member too. Pretty frighty but coping well nonetheless. Hope you're in good care from now on. All the best. With new sun and sky. Malayan Tapir.
Well. i guess that's all i've got to say. Animals i can talk to. Release myself. Yea. Thank you guys. Thank you all. Once again. Once again. Once upon a time.
And everything starts all over again. Side by side.
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