Opps. Almost forgot. Was asked if Capybara prefers tapioca to carrots and corns. Did a little experiment and da-ta. Am to reveal answer here (well, it may not be true actually. Only did one test. And i'm too lazy to do any more tests).

Food placed (from left to right) : carrots / corn / sweet potato / tapioca. well well well, as its obviously shown here. Look at the paw. Paw paw paw. I asked her very politely what she likes, and she pointed :

Sweet Potaato
she refused to budge when im near. Hence, i apologise for lack of pictures as evidence. but when i returned 5mins later. All of sweet potatos were eaten up. And most of tapioca were gone too. Hence. Capy likes Sweet potato and tapioca BUT! prefers sweet sweet potaaato.
Ta-da! no more pondering. Answer is revealed. Well. Who cares what they prefer. As long as they remain furry ^^ Strokie.

Food placed (from left to right) : carrots / corn / sweet potato / tapioca. well well well, as its obviously shown here. Look at the paw. Paw paw paw. I asked her very politely what she likes, and she pointed :

Sweet Potaato
she refused to budge when im near. Hence, i apologise for lack of pictures as evidence. but when i returned 5mins later. All of sweet potatos were eaten up. And most of tapioca were gone too. Hence. Capy likes Sweet potato and tapioca BUT! prefers sweet sweet potaaato.
Ta-da! no more pondering. Answer is revealed. Well. Who cares what they prefer. As long as they remain furry ^^ Strokie.
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